Sat 26 May 2012 — Jura
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Race details
Date & time: Sat 26 May 2012 at 10:30
Country: Scotland
Region: Islands (Scotland)
Category: AL
Distance: 28 km / 17.4 miles
Climb: 2370 m / 7776 ft
Venue: Craighouse, Isle of Jura.
Skills: ER, LK, NS
Minimum age: 18
Entry information
Entry on day: No
Pre-entry: Yes
Entry only on official form available from website. EOD for locals only. Entry fee depends on MRT costs, hoping same as 2011.
Contact for Race Information
Graham Arthur
Race Organiser: Graham Arthur
Male record: M. Rigby - 03:06:59 - 1994
Female record: A. Mudge - 03:40:33 - 2008
Junior races: Yes
Expect races for all ages, entries on day.
Permit / Insurance
Permit / Insurance: No
- This race does not have a permit or insurance from the FRA.
Other information
Requires significant experience, all entries checked - details on website.