Welcome to the FRA

“...let us spend as much time as we can afford running on the fells with a minimum of rules and regulations commensurate with safety and fair competition”

Peter Knott, FRA Chairman 1979-1982, Fell Running Principles

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2025 FRA English Championship Guaranteed Entry List is now open to FRA members

2025 FRA English Championship Guaranteed Entry List is now open to FRA members.
A list of those with automatic spots can be found here
Requests for addition to the 2025 English Championship Guaranteed entry list is now open. Please fill in the form here
Further details on the Guaranteed Entry List can be found at the top of the above form, or here
We are unable to provide Guaranteed Entry List spaces for team competitions.
Please c...

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Joss Naylor's miniatures for sale to raise money for Mountain Rescue

The sales of Joss Naylor's MBE miniature busts (5" height) is now on. Purchase fees are £55 including postage and packing.  Follow SiEntries link to purchase one for yourself on line, or you could also buy it as a Christmas present for a friend.  It's a wonderful memorabilia of the great man, who inspired us all.  The profits will be donated to Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue Team.  Joss himself was a big advocate for supporting Mountain Re...

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On-line System for Race Organisers to Report Incidents

As a part of how the fell racing community learns from issues, near misses and injuries that occur at races, we have for many years operated an Incident Reporting systemIncidents are documented by a Race Organiser to capture any sort of issue that occurs at their race.  

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