Results: Wed 14 Aug 2024 — Crook Peak Cake Race

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Competitor Category Club Time
1 Christian Green M Wells 19:36
2 Jamie Williamson M Springburn 20:09
3 Matthew Lusby M Wells 20:35
4 Robert Eaton M40 Team Bath 21:24
5 Matt Gilbert M40 BAD Tri 21:50
6 Jack Derrick M Westbury 22:00
7 Harry Allen M Hyde Park 22:08
8 James Blore M Chepstow 22:09
9 Tom Bush M40 Pennine 22:56
10 Tom Gange M40 Clevedon 23:02
11 Ben Wood M40 Westbury 23:05
12 Joe Bracewell M Bristol Trail 23:19
13 Joshua Bishop M 23:25
14 Sam Pilgrim M Town & Country 23:40
15 Peter Fowler M40 23:43
16 Andy Malloy M50 23:47
17 Jeremy Hutchinson M40 Town & Country 23:54
18 Jane Faram W Southville 23:58
19 Tom Watkins M40 Bristol & West 24:13
20 Simon Daniel M40 Bristol Up 24:19
21 Toomas Tahko M40 Vegan Runners 24:20
22 Victoria Ratcliffe W40 Team Bath 24:21
23 Seth Lawson MJ Chepstow 24:23
24 Dickie Hudd M50 Chepstow 24:40
25 Martin Cott M40 Town & Country 24:41
26 Leo Packham M Clevedon 24:42
27 Alistair Blackwood M Westbury 24:48
28 Matt Garnett M Cheddar 24:51
29 Paul Dodd M60 Chepstow 25:04
30 Dan Ryan M 25:12
31 Bryan Morris M50 25:14
32 Ben Rosedale M40 UWR 25:24
33 James Pickman M Mendip TRC 25:38
34 George Griffiths M Westbury 25:42
35 Jenny Morgan W Chepstow 25:58
36 Paul Stuart M50 Westbury 26:13
37 Richard Whittingham M 26:15
38 Mike Wyatt M50 Cheddar 26:20
39 James Steinhardt M 26:23
40 Rory Donovan M Clevedon 26:28
41 Benjamin Miles M Clevedon 26:42
42 Lisa Jeffrey W50 Chepstow 26:51
43 Antony Green M50 Weston 26:55
44 Chris Whitehouse M40 Southville 26:56
45 Matthew Lawson M50 Chepstow 27:00
46 Roger Chamberlain M50 FRA 27:04
47 James Miller M40 27:05
48 Niki Morgan W50 Chepstow 27:06
49 Julian Ridgley M50 27:09
50 Nico Smith M40 27:15
51 Cherry Fowler W50 Chepstow 27:25
52 Tom Blatchford M40 Mendip TRC 27:27
53 Rebecca Lee W40 Westbury 27:33
54 Rachel White W 27:37
55 Martin Hewlett M Clevedon 27:41
56 James Long M UWR 27:46
57 Paul Jefferson M50 Southville 27:56
58 Chris Hewett M40 Vegan Runners 28:16
59 Mike Wist M40 Southville 28:19
60 Sally Dodge W40 Bristol & West 28:22
61 James Gale M Southville 28:23
62 John Mallone M70 Nailsea 28:31
63 Luke Taylor M60 Town & Country 28:41
64 Nick Pearson W40 UWR 29:02
65 David Hunt M60 Bristol OK 29:06
66 Emily Herriot W Southville 29:10
67 Vanessa Lawson W50 Chepstow 29:15
68 Trevor Fitsall M50 Westbury 29:26
69 Chris Kelsey M60 Wells 29:29
70 Rob Mills M50 Poole 29:31
71 Richard Hughes M60 Westbury 29:37
72 Mark Mills M40 29:56
73 David Lem M40 Mendip TRC 30:11
74 Caroline Bull W Town & Country 30:19
75 Kate Hoffen W50 Westbury 30:28
76 Andy Stott M60 MDC 30:34
77 Richard Newhouse M50 Chepstow 30:41
78 John Davidson M Weston 30:43
79 Sandra Williams W50 Westbury 30:57
80 Jan Morris W50 Chepstow 30:58
81 Ian Mackin M60 MDC 30:59
82 Alex Meadows M 31:03
83 Tom Annelys M40 Chepstow 31:17
84 Helen Sawyer W50 Westbury 31:26
85 Fran Pratt W Town & Country 31:32
86 Penny Burrows W 31:43
87 Simon Clayson M60 31:52
88 Rob Osment M40 Weston 31:54
89 Heidi Andrews W50 Westbury 32:06
90 Chloe Slee W Cheddar 32:07
91 Jane Roscoe W50 Chepstow 32:18
92 Ifor Powell M50 Bristol OK 32:23
93 Trevor Johnson M50 32:30
94 Catherine Frith W50 33:05
95 Brigette Allen W50 Chepstow 33:20
96 Anneke Bull W60 Westbury 33:46
97 Rosie Ireland W 33:48
98 William Bull M Westbury 34:02
99 Emma Vincent W40 34:08
100 Toby Brown M50 Burnham 34:28
101 Kim Clark W60 Wells 34:40
102 Louise Crockett W50 Chepstow 34:54
103 Mark Canwell M50 Westbury 35:00
104 Eleanor Constable W40 Wells 35:30
105 Catherine Andrews W Westbury 35:39
106 Mark Andrews M50 Westbury 35:41
107 Stephen Owen M70 Chepstow 36:28
108 Tim Carr M50 Westbury 36:35
109 Julie-Anne Moore W50 37:04
110 David Pilling M50 Bristol OK 37:25
111 Mike MacFarlane M40 UWR 37:47
112 Liz Green W80 Weston 38:08
113 Christopher O'Neill M50 38:32
114 Les Thurston M70 Matlock 38:47
115 Sorrel Langley-Robbs W50 Clevedon 39:26
116 Katie Phelan W Nailsea 39:37
117 Emelie Arnold W40 Nailsea 39:52
118 Chris Clark M70 Wells 40:09
119 Ruth Brown W50 Burnham 40:53
120 Steve Hale M50 Weston 41:57
121 Jessica Ainscough W 47:06
122 Nicola Derrick W50 Westbury 47:41
123 Andy Creber M60 Chepstow 47:44
124 Denise Evans W60 Chepstow 49:24
125 Jane Bayliss W70 Chepstow 50:33
126 Jane Rymer W50 Chepstow 50:34
127 Gill Ellis W60 Chepstow 52:39
127 Margaret Griffiths W70 Chepstow 52:39

Please report any errors in these results to the Race Contact for this race - see the race listing for contact details.