Results: Wed 18 May 2011 — Kildwick under 10

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Competitor Category Club Time
1 Logan Hargreaves U10 Wharfe 00:04:20
2 George Hayton U10 00:04:22
3 Jack Muir U10 Wharfe 00:04:24
4 George Carmen U10 Wharfe 00:04:26
5 Shona Hastings U10 Wharfe 00:04:29
6 Reuben Mantle U10 Bingley 00:04:36
7 Jack Whittaker U10 Wharfe 00:04:40
8 Nick Misaljevich U10 K & C 00:04:42
9 Harry Driver U10 00:04:50
10 Sam Johnstone U10 Wharfe 00:04:55
11 Lucy Shutt U10 Bingley 00:04:57
12 Harry Capstick U10 K & C 00:05:00
13 Ella Shouler Harris U10 Ilkley 00:05:04
14 George Moore U10 K & C 00:05:08
15 Richard Done U10 Wharfe 00:05:10
16 Elliot Moore U10 K & C 00:05:12
17 Daisy Child U10 00:05:23
18 Carrie Garside U10 00:05:31
19 Elliot Whitehead U10 K & C 00:05:59
20 Zoe Capstick U10 K & C 00:06:03
21 Stella Richards U10 K & C 00:06:23

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