FRA / WFRA / NIMRA Transgender Statement

Sun 12 Nov 2023

Dear Fellrunner,
Recently, representatives of the Fell Runners Association (FRA), Welsh Fell Runners Association (WFRA) and Northern Irish Mountain Running Association (NIMRA) have come together to jointly discuss and work towards a policy on transgender eligibility in fell/mountain racing categories.  
This was triggered by developments elsewhere across the sporting world, including UK Athletics, who earlier this year published a Principle Statement on the inclusion of transgender people in sporting competition.
We are keen to ensure that the sport of fell/mountain running continues to be welcoming, inclusive, safe and fair for everyone, and fairness includes protecting competition for females.  
Please see attached the joint statement agreed by the committees of FRA, WFRA and NIMRA.
We recognise that this can be an emotive subject for many, and whilst some people may have questions around this subject, implementation of this policy is not for debate.  We will however publish a set of Frequently Asked Questions in due course.
This policy will apply to competitive fell/mountain racing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland from the 1st January 2024. 
Stuart Ferguson 


The Fell Runners Association
FRA / WFRA / NIMRA Transgender Statement